Is It Too Early To Talk About Christmas ?

Posted on: 17 September 2020

Is It Too Early To Talk About Christmas ?
Well on many levels I would say ..Yes it is !
We haven’t even had Halloween or Bonfire Night yet 
But when it comes to the Wigan Property Market it is probably not to early to have the festive season on our minds
I have always considered Autumn to be the most important selling season of the year because not has many properties are sold in the Winter months of November and December
So no apologies for pointing out today that there are only 99 days to Christmas Day
Let’s face it, 2020 has been a year most of us will want to forget.
So some festive cheer, no matter how far away it seems, will be a welcome relief to many of us.
Even if we can’t celebrate with our nearest and dearest due to wherever we’re at with social distancing in December.
Psychoanalyst Steve McKeown stated that studies found that people who put their festive decorations up earlier are often happier than those who delay. Not that I am suggesting putting them up now 
In all seriousness, many people who are looking to buy a new home use the Christmas period as a marker on the calendar to get things done by.
We often hear people declare they want to ‘be in by Christmas’.
This year it is even more important because of the savings provided by the Stamp Duty Holiday.
Enjoying Christmas Day and the festive holidays is very appealing to many Wigan buyers.
But if you want to turn that thought into reality, you’ll need to get a wiggle on.
Finding a buyer now will you give you the best chance of being in your new home by Christmas.
Rightmove confirm that a correctly valued home will sell in less than 30 days, while a property that has been overvalued will take at least 2 or 3 months longer, and is more likely to sell for less than the original asking price.
September and October are much better than November and December for attracting a buyer if you want to be in by Christmas and the New Year.
But even if you don’t wake up on Christmas morning in your new home, you’ll have still given yourself a great opportunity of beating the Stamp Duty Holiday deadline of 31st March 2021 and saving yourself up to £15,000.
I am sure you will agree that is a fantastic Christmas present  to give yourself


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