How to get rid of sentimental clutter

Posted on: 4 November 2016

How to get rid of sentimental clutter

There’s clutter and then there’s sentimental clutter and those items that no matter how much your head wants to get rid, your heart just can’t let go.


Everything we own is a time machine, trinkets and ornaments may adorn every nook and cranny but at some point it’s time to ditch clutter and emotionally and physically de clutter.


Remember it’s just an item


It’s really hard to let go of things that have memories attached to them, especially if they’ve been given to you by close family and friends.

But remember it’s just the item, not the memory you’re getting rid of.


Give it a good send off


If you really love something then give it a good send off.

For example:  the china tea set that has never been used.

Do something fun before you say goodbye such as hosting a vintage tea party for your friends.


Make sure your belongings make you feel good


Not all sentimental clutter makes you feel good, there may be some items that don’t always fill you with good memories.

Your home should make you feel good and so should everything in there.


Keep a few key pieces


Just because you need to declutter it doesn’t mean you have to get rid of everything.

Keep just a few key pieces to satisfy your sentimental side.







Learn to recognise what’s meaningful and what’s just stuff


It’s time to get real and to start to recognise the difference between something meaningful and just “things”.

For example think about a birthday card you may be keeping - Is it a heartfelt note in a beautiful handmade card or just a generic card with a name scribbled on the bottom?

Once you start to look at what’s junk and what’s not then getting rid of it will become much easier.


Start to digitize


It’s ok not to want to part with memories but that doesn’t mean they have to take up space.

Think about digitising your items from photographs to your dissertation.


Getting rid of things doesn’t have to be a chore. Think of it as giving your home a new lease of life and freeing yourself from the extra weight of all the clutter.

Also by donating to your local charity shop these items could be put to good use and you have helped to fund a worthwhile cause. 

A win win situation !!!


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