It’s Another Feelgood Friday In Wigan

Posted on: 24 April 2020

It’s Another Feelgood Friday In Wigan

In this two-minute round-up, we share some of the good news and positive things happening during life under lockdown across the WIGAN area and the rest of the UK

And the sun is still shining

Welcome to the fifth Feelgood Friday update from us at Alan Batt Sales and Lettings and we hope your family and loved ones are well and healthy

Here are a few fantastic pieces of news we've picked out from plenty of others which made us smile this week.

Humanity's Best Friend
We all know dogs are great companions at times like this but check this out. According to a report from The Telegraph's website, dogs are being trained to detect coronavirus in passengers arriving at UK airports.
It's thought that a 0.5-second sniff could detect the virus in asymptomatic travellers. The group of canine champions includes three cocker spaniels, a Labrador, a Labradoodle, and a Labrador golden retriever

Natural Wonders
It was World Earth Day on Wednesday, and we marked it with a round-up of some of the positive impacts the reduction in travel, production and consumption have had on the planet.

These include: Cleaner air and clearer water being reported from as far away as Venice to Venezuela Animals are also enjoying more freedom thanks to less human activity with deer roaming in Japanese villages, killer whales being seen for the first time in a generation off the coast of Canada and our personal favourite, goats strolling around the Welsh town of Llandudno.

Lockdowns Loosened in Europe
The UK may be in lockdown for another three weeks but hope springs from across Europe. Austria  has allowed small shops to reopen and there are plans to ease Germany’s lockdown, with some shops due to resume trade next week.
Denmark  allowed schools to start back up and barbers and hairdressers reported a boom in trade as people got rid of their lockdown locks.

And finally, ….
We are proud to see our Wigan community doing their bit to help their family, neighbours and friends who are less fortunate than themselves

It's incredible to see the generosity, compassion, kindness, and care people are showing across the WIGAN area in all sorts of different ways

It’s lovely to see people supporting local businesses again

Please let us know of any Community Hero you would like us to acknowledge and publicly thank, or any local business, pub or restaurant you want us to give a Shoutout to

From all of us at Alan Batt Sales and Lettings if there is anything, we can do to support members of our community in the Wigan area , please get in touch.  01942 233999


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