How to make moving less stressful

Posted on: 31 August 2016

How to make moving less stressful


Anyone who has ever moved house knows just how stressful it can be.

Like a lot of things in life that cause us pain once we’ve settled down and put it in the past, we forget just how agonising it was.


So if you’re about to take the plunge and move to a new property, here are some top tips on making moving less stressful…


Create a plan


Fail to plan, plan to fail; keep that mantra in your mind when it comes sitting down and making a game plan.

If you have a plan in place and a schedule to stick to then it’s more likely that things will run smoothly.

No one wants to pack up their entire life in a big rush so this will ensure that you save yourself the trouble, stress and undoubtedly tears.


Write down a timeline of how everything will get done such as when you should start to de-clutter right the way through to transferring utilities and of course, packing.



 Clear out as you go along


One of the worst things about moving is the uncovering of those items that you just don’t know what to do with. Don’t leave the decision on whether to keep or purge these items until the day you pack, instead clear the clutter as you go along.

This way it will mean less stuff to take to your new home.


Start gathering boxes


It’s a waste of money to buy boxes when you know that as soon as you get in to your new home you’re going to want to throw them in the recycling box.

Start collecting boxes from the supermarket plus check out sites such as Freecycle and Gumtree.


Have a plan for packing


Want to make life easier when you arrive at your new home?

Then pack all your items together taking special care with items that are fragile and be sure to use plenty of bubble wrap or newspaper.


Invest in some marker pens and label every single box clearly such as which room they’re for and what is in them.

This will make your life so much easier when it comes to unpacking.


Pack one box of essentials such as a few plates, some cutlery, a kettle, glasses and of course, a bottle opener for when you arrive at your new home.


Try to make it fun


Yes ok fun and moving house doesn’t always go hand in hand but you’re moving to a new chapter of your life and you don’t want to start that chapter feeling miserable and stressed.

Turn up the music, have a glass of wine, invite some friends over to help and enjoy the last few days in the place you’ve come to call home.


For more help and advice on how you can achieve the very best price in the shortest possible time speak to one of our experienced team at Alan Batt Estate Agents.


You can find our details by visiting the website:



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